The Compass

Posted by Riley Grigg

Updated on Friday, May 19, 2023 at 5:20 PM MDT
Header image by Ali Kazal on Unsplash

Lessons learned from a compass

At the beginning of this month, I was given a compass by my grandpa. It was his retirement gift. Grandpa invited me to spend a month with the compass and to think about it.

Summary of Lessons Learned

  • Deeper and continual study of the scriptures leads to greater understanding and heavenly guidance.
  • Just like the needles on a compass don’t change where they point, neither does God’s word. They always both point us in the right direction.
  • The word of God also extends to prophets living today.

One of my first thoughts was about the Liahona. The Liahona was a compass mentioned in the Book of Mormon. It gave directions to a family in the wilderness as they were led by God to a promised land. The compass worked based on obedience to the Lord and His commandments.

One thing the Liahona represents are the scriptures. In the compass I was given, I found a thin space. I opened the compass and inside I found markings showing degrees to help you further navigate. I then related this to personal revelation and seeking God’s word. As you search the scriptures, more detail and guidance are open to you and you will be able to find your way.

In addition to personal revelation, prophets can bring additional guidance. As God said to Moses, “My words…never cease.” (Moses 1:4) God will be with you. His words never change, but He will continue to speak with you, helping you to confront and solve the unique challenges of this day.