Each One A Snowflake

Posted by Riley Grigg on Saturday, December 11, 2021 at 4:14 PM MST
Header image by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Each person is unique like a snowflake. Each person is loved by God individually.

Originally Posted by Riley Grigg on Closer to Christ with Riley

Thursday, I watched it snow, I’ve been thinking about all of us as people. We are all God’s children, each one a snowflake. As I watched the snow falling, I had a thought about how each person, like each snowflake, is unique.

a child's climbing dome in the snow with lightly snowy trees and a fence in the background

Not even a sparrow falls without God’s notice. (See Matthew 10:29)

God must know all the individual snowflakes. Surely He knows you individually. I know He loves you more than anything.

If you don’t know this for yourself, I invite you to pray to God and ask Him if He loves you, and listen to the answer. He will answer you just as He has answered me.